The Beetles

Yesterday, I was confronted by a large flying object at our front door at 6am. We leave the porch light on at night so I assumed it was a hawk moth though it was made a very impressive noise in flight somewhat reminiscent of a chinook helicopter. Thankfully, after inspecting me closely it flew off. … Continue reading The Beetles

Fun with Poles

…and I am not referring to Jan here With planning permission foolishly approved by a local authority clearly distracted by a virus, we can now make a start on the building of our pole barn. I already had a working sketch scribbled on the back of a seed packet and critically we had acquired ten … Continue reading Fun with Poles

April catch up

This has been such a busy month there has been little time to write a blog. The first big event was the decision to mix our old girls and new girls into one flock. It was a hot sunny day and we decided to first let the old girls out into the meadow and then … Continue reading April catch up